Buah Review: Mastering Logical Fallacies (Michael Withey)

Introductory Terminology: Argument: A set of premises that lead to a conclusion Inductive Reasoning & Deductive Reasoning: https:...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Document Journal to Buah Blog

The short answer for the rationale for switching from a document journal to this Buah Blog is for aesthetic purposes, for archiving & searching purposes, and for the purpose of offering advice to many juniors in the future by changing the blog status from the private to public domain.

The long answer:
The reason why I value advice so greatly may be outlined in the following two articles:

I'm not going to claim that I'm the best person to offer advice because my own merits and accomplishments may not be what others are looking for, and may not be great in the eyes of others, and there will definitely be an extent of 'survivorship bias' anyways. But, of course, the advice offered here will be my two dollars, and may or may not provide valuable insight on the key experiences that a Singaporean would've encountered. 

Now, let's talk about why I'm advancing and taking progress in the direction I have chosen by integrating the document journal to this online blog. Other than the cool themes and backgrounds that I can select conveniently, I believe it allows me to gain more influence, and archiving/searching becomes a breeze. 

This move is also based on another Harvard Business review article: https://hbr.org/2013/07/how-experts-gain-influence

The article above talks about how individuals within a corporation may gain influence through 4 steps: trailblazing (setting path on fire for greater visibility, and finding new opportunities to use the expertise), tool-making (make simple tools to summarise chunks of difficult data, so that experts keep their job), translation (helping decision makers interpret analysis from the tools and understand complexes to make informed choices) and teamwork.

Entry (14 March 2018)

Today’s journal was really fruitful. However, can I really apply the advice I learnt to my life and the life of my juniors/seniors, and will I be able to apply the knowledge of influence to a future business that I manage or create, or even to my journal? Perhaps the Bill’s Personal Fulfillment Index as a tool I created is simple and effective and shows that I’m applying it, but visibility tip tells me that I should definitely transfer this information to a blog.

From the entry, it is seen that the switch will be an application of the 'trailblazing' and 'tool-making' idea. It'll be the translation/transposing from my brain to kids easier I guess, since it'll be more visually appealing and I can include tables, diagrams, images, and videos/links, which would aid representation and help understanding of the issues that i discuss.

Let's hope that my quest for such a honour would be fulfilled, and I will be able to offer interesting perspectives on potential conundrums for the youths in my footsteps.

(One thing that I would definitely have to consider is: Should the blog be identical to the document journal, or should the blog contain more meaningful insights that is only for sharing, with the journal being personal and all?

I think the latter sounds more interesting, and I will keep the mundane stuff for the document journal while save the meaningful insights, angles, perspectives, controversial topics, issues, advice, and debates for the blog. This may mean more work due to the need of filtering for value, illustrating concepts properly, and explaining ideas clearly, which may then imply reduced frequency of posting, but I guess this is a joy to do and sith quality beats quantity on most occasions.

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