Buah Review: Mastering Logical Fallacies (Michael Withey)

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Buah Review: Crucial Conversation

A Crucial Conversation is defined as a tough discussion where stakes are high, opinions vary, and when emotions are strong.

Book elaborates on subtle usage of dialogue to draw out information, which may be useful for the resolution. Silence leads to failure. Don't assume you have the fools' dilemma: 1) Suffer silently, or 2) Speak up and risk turning bosses into sworn enemies.

Like Harvard Business review's article, we should support our organisation's decision wholeheartedly even if we dislike the decision. Most of the time, this may be through discussion, as this may allow us to learn the costs and benefits and rationale behind certain decisions that we may have been uninformed about or blinded to. This may even switch our choice from denying/opposing an idea to accepting/supporting or even embracing it.

While reading Crucial Conversations, I read about how groups have 4 methods to make decisions. By ‘command’, ‘consult’, ‘voting’, and ‘consensus’.

While the book definitely teaches you some techniques in handling conversation, not all can be learnt through a book; it requires external practice in real life. The book does offer a partial solution for that: offering scenarios of crucial conversation, such as negotiating with the boss or with a spouse over certain crucial topics.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wanted to gain a transcending awareness on dialogue, as it helps one to understand the process of conversation itself. After all, we will all likely be thrown into a crucial conversation against our volition multiple times in our lives.

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