Buah Review: Mastering Logical Fallacies (Michael Withey)

Introductory Terminology: Argument: A set of premises that lead to a conclusion Inductive Reasoning & Deductive Reasoning: https:...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Rabbit from a Hat: Pulling Ideas out of the bag

Ever run out of ideas? Whether it's an idea for an essay, a narrative, a business, a journal, or a blog?

I certainly have.

What's this about idea generation that becomes so difficult? What keys do I lack to unlock the door to the figments of my imagination? Is that door blue? Or red? Why not both?

How am I going to continue this post? Video? Visual illustration? Nothing but words?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Advice - A simple concept? Or a mind-boggling complex?

So, I was at the library the other day and I was reading about ‘Stress Management’ and ‘Digital Literacy’, and felt such a strong urge to teach, give advice, and share my ideas. I then realised it's interesting yet depressing that no one ever asks me for advice, and this has a few possibilities.
  • I’m not approachable enough, or people/juniors view me as unsound
  • I don’t have sufficient life experience, or don’t share it so people/juniors don’t know that I possess a certain stated life experience
  • People just don’t understand the value of mentorship and in asking people/seniors for advice.
And it’s sad, because there are generally only 3 pedagogies for learning: reflection (personal), imitation (advice/observation), and experience (the hard way).

Then, I wonder: Do I lose out? Nope. Should I really be concerned? Nope. Am I concerned? Yes. So... why am I concerned? What a pickle. A mental brain tumor. A conundrum.

Being the curious writer I am, I decided to research online and - of course - write about it!

Introductory Story: The Urgency of Writing

I know it's past midnight, but I have to continue setting up the blog.

So, I was creating my profile, and got this random question:

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:
So, like the classic novel writer that I used to be, I wrote seamlessly and endlessly, and when I wanted to save, there was a character limit of 400. What a pity that I had invested so much time and effort into writing an amusing and good short story! So I figured, why not just publish it as a regular blog post to start off this blog? That'll be fun! So without further ado, enjoy:

Document Journal to Buah Blog

The short answer for the rationale for switching from a document journal to this Buah Blog is for aesthetic purposes, for archiving & searching purposes, and for the purpose of offering advice to many juniors in the future by changing the blog status from the private to public domain.